Welcome to Miss Kitty's Miscellany

My blog is just what it sounds like - miscellany - a bit of everything, but mostly humor. I try to find humor in everything, so you will find a lot of clean humor here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Promise from me

I was trying to post every day, but hubby's been ill.  He's been in the hospital twice in the last week.  He is doing a bit better and has been referred to a new doctor, so I have faith that he's going to be okay.

My promise to my readers is that I will post at least once a week, even if it is just a short funny.  Thank you for reading my blog.



Kitty said...

You just post when you can and also, most importantly, when you want to do so. A Blog shouldn't be a chore or an obligation, your obligation is with your husband and your family. Your readership understands and appreciates what you can and do share, so, relax.

I send helpful healing thoughts to your husband, and prayers for the both of you. Keep smiling, laughter really IS a great medicine!

Warm hugs and quiches from Kitty xo

Miss Kitty said...

Thank you for the encouraging words, Kitty. I keep up the humor to add balance to my life... That's one of the reasons I love to share it.
Big Hugs,