Welcome to Miss Kitty's Miscellany

My blog is just what it sounds like - miscellany - a bit of everything, but mostly humor. I try to find humor in everything, so you will find a lot of clean humor here. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

End of Time?

I went to an event today and saw this truck in the parking lot.  I had to take a picture of it.  


Kitty said...

Well, that's good to know so at least I can plan now.
What does one wear to a Rapture when you're fairly certain you won't be called?

Heh, I sent this to a friend and they responded with, "I bet he still has a life insurance policy though... and medicare."

Miss Kitty said...

What's funny is that we were at a Christian gathering, and everyone looked at it and went, "huh?" The silly things some find to worry about. First it was Y2K, now it's 2012.

Looking at his rig, I'd say he most certainly has life insurance, and is probably old enough to qualify for MediCare.

Even the Bible says that no one will know the time... Obviously this guy is not taking his Bible seriously, or isn't reading it.